Welcome Back!

I’m thrilled to introduce our first guest post, by Creative Writing for Creative Mothers participant, Amelia Hickman. This beautiful poem was inspired by Week One of the course. Amelia says; ‘It started off as a list poem from lines of lullabies I sing all the time and then morphed into something a bit different.’ I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s morphed into something quite wonderful.

Via Lactea

The moon deep sky

swathes about

her face, dew-soft


eyes flutter

heart against heart

little moth,

once I felt you


innumerable stars sing

breath soft

lulla, lullaby

satiated you sleep

your dreams

the luminous

wake of a ship

Amelia Hickman

Thank you Amelia, for taking the brave step to publish and share your writing here!

If you have a piece of writing from, or inspired by, the course that you’d like to share in our journal, please email it to me at [email protected]. You’re welcome to publish your work either anonymously or with your name.

And, if you’re yet to join the course and would like to find out more, please click here for all of the details.